Welcome to the first Iratus Lepus update since the House of Thule launch! The Angriest Bunnies in Norrath took a short break to level up, group flag and farm some targets before unleashing ourselves back into the raid scene…
Indeed we opened it…
All over Fippy, Beast, and Unburrowing the first full night back before moveing into the first raid of the new expansion…
Tick tock…
We entered the front door of Cazic’s home with the vengance only a hoard of pissed off, raid starved, bloodthirsty Lepus can summon, tossing ourselves at multiple bugs and false starts and fails…
Before unleashing my personal favorite flavor of pain…
Yes… It tastes so… damn… GOOD…
On to the loots!
House Clock Pendulum Bob Grats Kenon
Scrap Iron Ring of Perfected Precision Grats Mluian
Imbued Shoulderguards of the Chronomancer Grats Pyratis
After ending the night there we came back the next day just as thirsty for blood as we tea-bagged Badgers and moved onto our pre-HoT foe, The Arthicrex 1 Guardians…
Battered and bloody after multiple hard runs, Team Lepus again pulled it off when suddenly everyone relized the strat “Get npc’s hps to 0 before everyone dies” truly works on this event…
After figureing out the proper kite path and labeling the false walls and bad areas to run through…
I was able to keep the bad guys off the rest of the team while they knocked those ants out one at a time like the warriors they are.
At times the failures to adjust due to grey mushrooms made me want to scream…
But as usual, repitition and good old fashion Bunny grit won the night resulting in a lil more…
Leaving us with tonights loot!
Glowing Cliknar Antenna Grats Mintalee (Also grats on your nomination for GL over in Tenacity, those ladies just can’t get enough of you on their frontpage!)
Polished Chitin Fragment Grats Zulu
Join us again soon as we swing our E-Peens at the Clicknar Queen!
Finaly, Your message of zen from the Raptor Jesus…