Hello Iratus Lepus. I'm not sure how many of you will remember us, but here we are, from left to right: Badany, Essej, Zahr; pic is from Essej's wedding. Badany was one of the founding members of IL, one of the first 20 to form the Guild. Essej was probably the second guild leader of IL after Feanan, and Zahr was also in one of the first 30 or so with an IL tag. While I only spent a short time as an officer, I co-designed your old website, mainly the members site and wrote the update blog. It looks like you guys have moved on from the work I did; but it served us well for many years. Congratulations on still existing most guilds don't last this long
Prior to Iratus Lepus many of us were in the Crimson Coalition on the Rathe. When the Rathe had a server split, we all decided to move on to Zebuxoruk, and shortly after the split several friends that raided often formed Iratus Lepus, stupidly getting the Latin wrong (technically it should be Lepus Iratus). For a long time we were a low and friendly guild not very raid orientated. We started doing bigger and better things with a much smaller force than the other guilds on Zeb. We took a vote then and majority ruled that we were going to play with the big boys and loose our friendly status for hardcore raiding. Feanan left us then and Essej took over the tireless task of Guild Leader. I was one of the first Clerics in IL with an Epic, and the first that got their epic while in the guild.
Badany shortly after getting Epic circa Feb 2002
First Quarm kill
Meeting Zebuxoruk
An old pic with a few more of us