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Why Can't I Ever Find A Group?

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    Why Can't I Ever Find A Group?

    So, I've been thinking about posting about this for a while, but finally decided to actually do so...

    I've seen, in guild chat, several people complain about not getting guild groups. I've also had a few people mention it when grouped with me that they rarely manage to find a guild group.

    My response to them, and I've also said this in the guild groups, is to look at yourself first....

    It seems like, invariably, those who complain about not finding guild groups are the same individuals that are extremely quiet in guild chat, don't say hello when they log on (or when others log on), don't say congratulations when someone gets a tough cheese, and don't offer to help others when someone seeks assistance with something.

    Instead, these persons either log on, or have been on for a while without speaking, and then say:
    /gu Anyone want a <<<insert class>>> for <<<insert specific group activity>>>.

    /gu Who wants to help me <<<insert task>>>

    Ten - Fifteen minutes later you'll see either... /gu well, guess I'll just log then.... or they'll just no longer be online....

    Sorry, but that isn't going to get people going out of their way to include you or help you with things.

    Contrast that to the members who are regularly engaging with others.... saying "hi", saying "grats", offering input into the random guild conversation about the relative advantages of diesel vs. unleaded engines, calling me a slacker (glares at Ssweetn!), or whatever.... Contrast to the members who will ask, "Hey, anyone need help with anything?"... Contrast to the members who are putting together a group and put out, "still room for 2 more in a <<<insert objective>>> group"

    That second type of person is going to have far less trouble finding a group, or getting assistance, than the first type.

    Why? First off people get to know them because they are engaged. Many of us, myself included, are far more likely to want to want to group up with someone that we feel some type of connection to (even if it's just an EQ fantasy land relationship) than we are with someone that we don't know from Adam.

    Similarly, most are much more likely to be willing to drop whatever they are doing to go help out someone that they feel a connection to. Or even if they don't know the person really, someone that they regularly see offering to help others.

    Think of a member that nearly every day, logs in and says, "hello IL" and then something akin to, "Anyone need any help with anything?" and if someone does need assistance, that's where this person goes... if nobody needs anything, this person will go off and do their own thing. Someone who, when someone asks, "hey, any trade-skillers able to make me a <<<insert high level combine>>>?" Generally responds with, "Sure, meet me in the GH in 5 minutes" -or- "In the middle of a mission run right now, but if you still need in half an hour, let me know"...

    And guess what... even that second type of person will often not be able to find a group as soon as they log on. Unfortunately, EQ isn't where it was back in 2000, when there were a few thousand people on each server 24/7, and you could find a group at the drop of a hat. Yet that second type of person is unlikely to complain when they can't find a group; they just find something they can do on their own (soloing, moloing, tradeskills, whatever).

    So... in summary... if you want better luck in finding guild groups... become engaged. Be friendly. Help others when you can. And when you can't find a group, don't get down about it...just find another way to enjoy your time.

    As a side-note: I generally 3 box plus 3 mercs... depending on what i'm doing, I can normally drop at least 1 merc for any class... if a tank or good healer is joining, I can drop more (Name isn't that great a tank yet - in large part my abilities I'm sure), and while Gaagaa can heal she isn't the best at it in a group setting, and I don't really enjoy playing as a healer.

    If I'm fighting somewhere harder, I'll only be able to give up a merc if a tank or healer is replacing.

    That said, I'm often (as I call it), playing lazy.... Like right now... I have my 3 toons (Ranger, Shaman, SK), a tank merc, a cleric merc.... killing Loda Kai in Shadeweaver... both last night and today, another player has joined me (today the other player is doing nothing, which i'm fine with)... My SK is doing nothing... Loto is pulling and firing arrows... Gaagaa is slowing, and the mercs are handling the rest... it's easy and i'm paying very little attention (I've been killing the whole time I've been posting here, and I'm going to be putting a movie on Netflix in a minute and most of my attention will be on watching it. The down side of this is that there are situations like what just happened...not paying much attention, didn't notice slow failed... had pulled 3... merc tank died... merc cleric died moments later...and then i had to bust my ass playing 3 toons at once to get through it... other occasions that could well have been a wipe, but that's part of my "playing lazy"

    So, no, what I'm doing isn't huge experience, but it's getting the SK fairly decent AAs, getting the other person's alt some xp, and evolving the SKs cloak slowly... it's easy and it's something productive while I do other stuff. Wasn't long ago that I was only 2 boxing, and I did something similar in a lower level zone.

    efore that, still 2 boxing, I took Loto and Gaagaa through all the expansions from COTF - COV (did need some help for some of the cheeses, but the main content I was able to do 2 boxing with mercs). At that time, neither toon was level 120 yet, and most of my gear was from Veil of Alaris and earlier. Point being, there is always something you can do if you can't find a group. During that, I did wind up then grouping often with Seamstress, as she also needed the heroics, and got to make a good in-game friend... from that I met Ryanald, who helped us with some of those cheeses we needed and couldn't do alone... and in the end, that lead to me becoming a member of IL...

    Last edited by GaaGaa; 08-17-2023, 10:49 AM.


      I notice a lot of the same people on late at night and its always a friendly gang IMHO.
      However for a lot of reasons.. the group at night is sorta zombieish.. as we all are sitting in camps waiting for namers to pop. I had to turn on timestamps to sort out when things happened.. as I sometimes missed things and realized 45 minutes passed.
      I have seen the frustration of people wanting to find a group here and there. The issue I have had is its usually when I have Gilliana and or my sons grouping with me and were full. OR.. conversely.. its 2 or 3 or 4AM Eastern.. and Im tired.. zero interest in talking to people, and just wanna sit at a camp and percolate before bed. Will say high grats and gnight.. but really am toast.
      That being said.. I think giving people some time during late nights is good.. BUT.. people late night are often zombied. And a tell I am sure would never be a problem for all that I see who are regulars late night. We may miss the message if someone needs a group or help with something.
      In my case if I am solo late night.. I may be 4 boxing.. and "challenging myself" by having an alt tab fest, trying to see if I can handle a camp, and get it broken without wiping. (Being able to handle diablo the first time was a wild 45 minutes or hour till I had it down pat.. now my warr Rgrog is nicely geared group gear wise.. so its pretty easy now)

      SO yeah.. late nights give time or a tell!

