Hodstock Hills
Both task givers are in a camp close to each other in vicinity of /loc 1820, 2320, 480
Mercenary tasks:
Sergeant Malachi:
Scaled Invaders: say “Scalewrought” – kill 6 scalewrought ground, kill 4 scalewrought flying
Recommend doing with step 5 of “The best defense…” partisan task – appears any scalewrought will do
Abandoned Nightmares: say “Nightmares” – kill 8 nightmares in the mysterious tower
Recommend doing with step 13 of “The Mysterious Towers” partisan task. Mobs are in the tower you reach in “The Mysterious Towers” partisan step 3.
Ban the Bandits: Say “Bandits” kill 6 bandits
Kill any bandits throughout the zone (I did while collecting for step 2 of “…is a Good Offense” partisan task
Partisan Tasks:
Captain Teiya:
The Mysterious Towers: Say “understand”
Follow her text, or just say “Other towers”
(receive steps 2 & 3)
The Best Defense… Say “scouting”
Vicinity of 1735, -840 – north part of zone, to the east side of the river (you’ll see some hobbit holes in the hill, but scalewroughts are walking around the area)
… Is a Good Offense – Say “cause”
Steps 1 – 4 can be pre-looted (the update is from the turn in, not looting)
Hail her to finish task
Both task givers are in a camp close to each other in vicinity of /loc 1820, 2320, 480
Mercenary tasks:
Sergeant Malachi:
Scaled Invaders: say “Scalewrought” – kill 6 scalewrought ground, kill 4 scalewrought flying
Recommend doing with step 5 of “The best defense…” partisan task – appears any scalewrought will do
Abandoned Nightmares: say “Nightmares” – kill 8 nightmares in the mysterious tower
Recommend doing with step 13 of “The Mysterious Towers” partisan task. Mobs are in the tower you reach in “The Mysterious Towers” partisan step 3.
Ban the Bandits: Say “Bandits” kill 6 bandits
Kill any bandits throughout the zone (I did while collecting for step 2 of “…is a Good Offense” partisan task
Partisan Tasks:
Captain Teiya:
The Mysterious Towers: Say “understand”
- [*=2]Find and speak with Arcanist Aunrae V’Len
Follow her text, or just say “Other towers”
(receive steps 2 & 3)
- [*=2]Observe the mysterious towers from atop Mu’Lin Tower
Aunrae tells you to look to the southwest through the broken tower segment… got the update as I approached the break in the wall – the actual towers are almost due west, rather than southwest.
- [*=2]Explore the entrance to the mysterious towers (Note: undead in the area, plan accordingly)
updated at -1390, 1908, 563
Receives steps 4, 5, 6
- [*=2]Find a clue as to what happened at the towers
Noctix’s Journal: page 1 – ground spawn scroll at -1885, 2200, 655 (2nd floor)
Receive step 7
- [*=2]Find a clue as to what happened at the towers
Noctix’s Journal: page 4 – ground spawn scroll at -1420, 2295, 655 (2nd floor of tower) – this one is hardest to spot, it’s on the outside of a pillar right by edge of platform
receive step 8
- [*=2]Find a clue as to what happened at the towers
Noctix’s Journal: page 7 – ground spawn scroll at -1850, 2305, 560 (1st floor of tower)
receive step 9
- [*=2]Deliver Noctix’s Journal: Page 1 to Arcanist Aunrae V’Len
- [*=2]Deliver Noctix’s Journal: Page 4 to Arcanist Aunrae V’Len
- [*=2]Deliver Noctix’s Journal: Page 7 to Arcanist Aunrae V’Len
(once 7, 8 and 9 all done, get step 10)
- [*=2]Check in with Arcanist Aunrae V’Len for the next steps
Say “right”
Receive step 11
- [*=2]Find Therok and ask him aout Noctix
per quest journal – Therok is in the Demi-Plane of Nightmares
head to POP plane of Nightmare – Therok is located in the hobgoblin tunnels right before the first one way drop off (just as you enter the tunnels and leave the water) 1730, 140, 20
Say “before”
receive step 12
- [*=2]Let Arcanist Aunrae V’Len know how the discussion with Therok went
return to Hodstock Hills and go back to Aunrae in her tower
Say “kill some”
Receive step 13
- [*=2]Kill 6 nightmares within the Towers of Noctix
back to the tower to the west..any of the undead should work
kill 6 and get step 14
- [*=2]Let Arcanist Aunrae V’Len know the ‘test’ is complete
return to Aunrae and hail get step 15
- [*=2]Report back to Captain Teiya
head back to the task giver
Hail to finish the task
The Best Defense… Say “scouting”
- [*=2]Report to Sergeant Osgood at the beach
315, -2975, -115 (inside a tent along the banks of the ocean? To the east
Say “job” get steps 2 - 5
- [*=2]Scout Hodstock Village
there is a group of somewhat dilapidated houses just north east of the lake… loc -180, -15
- [*=2]Scout Bobble-by-Water
Vicinity of 1735, -840 – north part of zone, to the east side of the river (you’ll see some hobbit holes in the hill, but scalewroughts are walking around the area)
- [*=2]Scout Shark Island
got update inside the island fort at 2100, -3590
- [*=2]Kill several Scalewrought aerial and ground attackers
kill 12 of the scalewrought mobs
--- once steps 1-5 complete, you get step 6 ---
- [*=2]Report back to Sergeant Osgood
Say, “Idea” receive “poison tipped spear” and step 7
- [*=2]Weaken the Scalewrought Transport and Kill it
-325, 255 (near the village in step 2) you’ll find a Scalewrought Transport. Right click the poison tipped spear on it, then kill… similar difficulty as normal zone trash but about 3x the hp
Kill it to get step 8
- [*=2]Return the Poison-Tipped Spear back to Sergeant Osgood
turn in and get step 9
- [*=2]Report back to Captain Teiya
Hail to finish task
… Is a Good Offense – Say “cause”
Steps 1 – 4 can be pre-looted (the update is from the turn in, not looting)
- [*=2]Find and deliver 1 Broken Fence Post to Revol Aleslay
In the area of Hodstock Village, you’ll see fence posts lying on ground, pick one up (the village from step 2 of “the best defense”
there is one at -75, -120 (and probably others)
- [*=2]Find and deliver 4 Coiled Ropes Post to Revol Aleslay
Drops from bandits[*=2]Find and deliver 4 Animal Sinew to Revol Aleslay
Drops from animals throughout zone – definitely bears, foxes and badgers
definitely not the low level rabbits (though they drop TS items)[*=2]Find and deliver 4 Metal Shards Post to Revol Aleslay
Drops from the walking scalewrought mobs (not the fliers that I saw)
Revol Aleslay is a dwarf at 1230, 1855 (not far from the captain that gave the task)
(complete 1-4 to get step 5)[*=2]Check in with Revol Aleslay following the deliveries
Hail and get step 6[*=2]Report back to Captain Taiya
Hail and get step 7[*=2]Speak with Torin regarding the departure platform
Torin (Griffin Handler) is located at 975, 1700 – same general area
Hail to get update and step 8[*=2]Speak with Olmnoth regarding the arrival platform
Olmnoth is at 1480, 1725
Hail and get step 9[*=2]Update Captain Teiya on the status
Hail to get update and step 10[*=2]Report to Mokolin on the great leviathan
Hail her to finish task